About Us-

ETG Profile, Vision Mission

ETG: Our Story

Here, at ETG, it all comes down to our values of integrity, excellence, and  community. Our story began when Eshetu T. Gelan founded the firm  back in 1995. He aimed to build one of Ethiopia’s leading Grade 1  Architectural and Engineering Consulting Firms. His vision, unrelenting  passion for the work, and dedication to continuous growth. Today as  one of the leading architectural and engineering firms in Ethiopia, this  vision has been realized.  With over 150 skilled professionals on staff encompassing a wide span  of expertise, we offer an extensive array of services, including design  consulting, urban planning, and design to contract administration and  supervision,  further delving into environment,  infrastructural design,  and water resource management.

We believe in always doing better. We do not settle, constantly  bringing excellence and providing creative ideas to better our community and the world. Our leadership style focuses on creating an  environment that rings true to our values. We take our clients’ ideas  and make them a reality. ETG brings our unique mindset  and  knowledge to every part of our clients’ projects.


We enable our clients to realize their dreams through providing excellent design & consultancy services with integrity.


ETG Designers & Consultants S.C. aspires to be the premier global architectural, engineering and real estate development entity chosen for its excellence.



Integrity both personal and professional


Excellence  in  everything  we  do  nothing less


We believe that we have the obligation to support our community


Our  Numbers

Years in the Industry
0 +
Projects Realized
0 +
Billion ETB Portfolio Completed
0 +

Our Philosophy

“Having a wide room for continuous improvement that will lead ETG towards future innovation”

Join Us for Your Projects

Explore our design idea and make your project successful and  absolutely stunning!

Do you have a project or an ideas ?

We are located in Kazanchis area behind Ministry of  Trade and Development Bank of Ethiopia, adjacent to ECA, former Kokeb Restaurant, Building 10th floor.