Environment, Water Supply & Sanitation

The  protection  of   the   environment   and   the provision of safe and affordable water supply and sanitation   services   are increasingly  becoming  a huge concern to humanity locally, regionally and globally, particularly in the developing world. ETG   established   the   directorate   as   a   response   to   these growing   concerns.   The   aim   of   ETG   is   to   provide   an enhanced    and    integrated    service    to    our    clients    and stakeholders. With the necessary certification, the directorate has  already  started  making  headways  in  establishing  itself  as the number one choice for our clients and stakeholders.

Protecting the Environment and Ensuring Safe Water Supply and Sanitation Services

At ETG, we are dedicated to addressing the critical challenges related to environmental protection and sustainable water supply and sanitation. Our team is committed to delivering innovative solutions that promote a cleaner and healthier environment while ensuring access to essential water and sanitation services.

What We Do-

Discover the detail of Our Services

Our ESIA services involve a thorough evaluation of potential environmental and social impacts associated with proposed projects. We assess compliance with relevant legislation, including EPA requirements, and conduct detailed baseline data collection covering physical, ecological, socioeconomic, and cultural domains. The process includes identifying and assessing potential impacts, proposing mitigation measures, and developing an Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan (ESMMP).

We provide SESA services that focus on the environmental and social implications of policies, plans, and programs at a strategic level. This assessment aids in integrating environmental and social considerations into the decision-making process, ensuring sustainable development practices.

Our social assessments involve in-depth consultations with stakeholders to understand population dynamics, land use, economic activities, and the impact of projects on communities. We evaluate factors such as land rights, resource usage, cultural heritage, and community facilities, offering a comprehensive understanding of the social landscape.

We specialize in preparing Resettlement Action Plans (RAP) and Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plans (LARP), which include resettlement assessments, land acquisition processes, and stakeholder consultations. Our services also encompass inventory development, identification of alternative land for resettlement, and monitoring, evaluation, and reporting plans to ensure compliance and minimize displacement impacts.

We conduct feasibility studies to assess current sanitation and hygiene conditions, proposing strategic investments and detailed engineering designs for sanitation infrastructure. Our services include topographical and engineering surveys, hydraulic design, land suitability analysis, and the preparation of technical specifications, bills of quantities, and cost estimates.

Our water supply services cover the entire process from feasibility studies to preliminary and detailed designs that cater to both current and future water demand. We conduct field investigations, hydrological and geological surveys, and design civil infrastructure components to ensure the efficient delivery of water supply systems.

In addition to our specialized services, we offer feasibility studies for a range of other projects. These studies evaluate the viability, potential risks, and economic, social, and environmental impacts of proposed projects, providing clients with a solid foundation for decision-making.

Join Us for Your Projects

Explore our services and make your project successful and  absolutely stunning!

Transforming Communities Through Sustainable Solutions

We are committed to providing high-quality environment, water supply, and sanitation services to improve the well-being of communities.